The Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan RSCB brings together representatives of each of the main
agencies and professionals responsible for safeguarding children in our region.
The Annual Plan (395kb PDF) sets outs the strategic priorities, key actions, milestones and performance measures, along with the responsible partners and structure for the period April 2017 to March 2018. It takes into account both the current requirements placed on Safeguarding Children Boards by Welsh Government and the statutory guidance in relation to Part 7 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
Under that guidance, Safeguarding Children Boards are required to produce annual plans, to be published prior to the beginning of each financial year, and to produce and publish an annual report each July evidencing progress made against the previous year’s Annual Plan. The Act, supplemented by the regulations, provides for when and how the annual plans and reports are to be published and prescribes the content of both the annual plans and the annual reports.
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