COVID-19 (Statement) – Help us safeguard our communities from abuse and neglect
Safeguarding Adults and Children at risk remains a priority throughout Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan and Safeguarding partners have been working to implement revised operating models which enable us to comply with Government advice and still provide a safeguarding service and response to the region.
The Cardiff and Vale Safeguarding Board are asking everyone within the region to look out for one another in order to help those who may be at risk of abuse and neglect. This is a message which applies at all times, but now more than ever, people at all ages need protection.
“We are currently experiencing unprecedented times as a result of Coronavirus, with social distancing and self-isolation being one of the key messages and advice being provided by Government.
“Whilst this will undoubtedly help with the prevention of the spread of the virus, unfortunately, this will also mean that children, young people and adults at risk within the Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan areas may potentially be at an increased risk of abuse and neglect.
We ask everyone, that during these uncertain times, that you “please be vigilant and look out for friends, families and neighbours and if you see any signs at all that makes you think that they may be experiencing any type of harm, please report your concerns to your local safeguarding teams”.
If you have concerns about an adult at risk:
Vale of Glamorgan Adult Services:
01446 700111
Out of Office Hours
02920 788570
Cardiff Adult Safeguarding:
02922 330888
Out of Office Hours
02920 788570
National Guidance & Updates
Public Health Wales Updates:
Publih Health Wales COVID-19 update
Public Health Wales COVID-19 Wellbeing Campaign
Welsh Government Updates
Written Statement: Launch of the Young Person’s Mental Health Toolkit. Links Young People and aged 11-25 to websites, apps and helplines to build resilience and support them through the Coronavirus pandemic and beyond.
Guidance for Adult Social Services during the Covid-19 pandemic
Guidance for Providers of Social Care Services for Adults during the Covid-19 pandemic
Live Fear Free Covid-19 Campaign – updated October 2020
Regional Guidance & Updates
Status and Update of Safeguarding Arrangements – April 29 2020
7 minute briefing Scams and Fraud
7 minute briefing Domestic Abuse
7 minute briefing Changes to the Mental Health Act
Information for Professionals
COVID-19 Safeguarding Children- practitioner handout
COVID-19 Safeguarding Children – Bi-lingual-Information
Young persons COVID-19 survival pack
Primary Mental Health Consultation-Bilingual poster
COVID-19 Safeguarding adults- practitioner handout english
Domestic Abuse free on-line training – The Dewis Choice Team, during COVID-19, is offering free online training to all practitioners receiving calls from older people in relation to domestic abuse. Click here to access the free training.
Information for the Public
Domestic Abuse Advice and Services
Mental Health and Wellbeing Advice and Services
The latest Vale Health & Social Care bulletin, providing details of the various news, help and support available within the Vale of Glamorgan.
The latest directory of support, services and helplines provided by Cardiff Third Sector Council, to help people with emotional wellbeing during COVID19.
Older People’s Commissioner for Wales – Coronavirus Information Hub (providing the latest information, advice and guidance for older people and their families. Also includes helpful tips on health and wellbeing).
Mental Health:
Young persons COVID-19 survival pack
Coronavirus advice for under 21s (Change Grow Live)
WHO Psychological First Aid for field workers
WHO mental-health-considerations
BBC Radio 5 – a range of physical activities for older people
MEIC Cymru – information and resources for young people on mental health and wellbeing, including links to exercise routines whilst in lockdown
Safe Hands Thinking Minds – resources to support adults and children around anxiety, worries, stress and fears including specific Covid-19.
The Family Wellbeing Service in Cardiff Early intervention and support to families living in Cardiff with children up to the age of 25 and that have an identified need for support in relation to emotional and mental health and wellbeing. Referrals can be made via the Cardiff Early Help referral Gateway Tel: 03000 133 133 Website: Cardiff Family Gateway
Home Safety
South Wales Fire & Rescue Service – Home Safety Checks. See details of their free home safety checks, which have been modified as a result of Covid-19.
Domestic Abuse and Hate Crime
There is a distinct link between arson and domestic violence. Despite Covid-19, services provided by South Wales Fire & Rescue Service remain unchanged and they continue to work closely with Police and Local Authority to ensure people feel safe within their own homes.