Wales Safeguarding Procedures
The Wales Safeguarding Procedures were launched during National Safeguarding Week on 11 November 2019 and have replaced the All Wales Child Protection Procedures and the Wales Interim Policy and Procedures for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults from Abuse.
The Wales Safeguarding Procedures are not available as printed copies and are only available in digital format. The Wales Safeguarding Procedures App is available for download on both iPhone and Android devices, via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. They can also be viewed in English or Welsh by accessing the following links:
The Cardiff and Vale Regional Safeguarding Board formally adopted the procedures in December 2019 and have developed an implementation programme, which will include details on training and the development of relevant policies.
Multi-Agency Regional Training
Train the Trainer Events were delivered by New Pathways at the beginning of February. C&V RSB members nominated practitioners to attend on the expectation they would be able to deliver the training to their individual organisation and also to a multi-agency audience on behalf of C&V RSB.
The dates of further rollout training will be confirmed in the near future.
Social Care Wales Training materials to support the Wales Safeguarding Procedures are now available by clicking the link below:
The materials are separated into two parts, children and young people and adults and follow the sections laid out in the WSP. Each section includes PowerPoint presentations, trainer notes, pointers for practice handouts and practice scenarios.
Next Steps
You will be kept informed and will receive regular updates via the Cardiff & Vale Regional Safeguarding Board (C&V RSB) ‘Keeping You Informed’ newsletter. Further information is also available via the ‘7 minute briefing’:
CV RSB Implementation Group 7 minute briefing Jan 2020
Keeping You Informed – Newsletters
The following quick guides will provide practitioners with information on the key changes in Children and Adult Safeguarding:
Keeping you informed WSP C&V RSB Newsletter January 2020
Keeping you informed WSP C&V RSB Newsletter March 2020
Keeping you informed WSP C&V RSB Newsletter April 2020
WSP ‘What’s Different’ Quick Guide Children Safeguarding
WSP ‘What’s Different’ Quick Guide Adult Safeguarding
If you have any queries please email